Monday, November 22, 2010

Sweet Redemption

I really wish that I was inspired to blog on more occasions than just every couple months, but I suppose these little life updates every now and then will just have to do!

So today is November 22, two days post-21st birthday! It seems so surreal to me that I am 21 years old. It feels like I just graduated high school for goodness sakes. The passage of time never ceases to amaze me. What amazes me the most, perhaps, is the vast amount of change that I see in my life as I look back across the past five years, even. I am so thankful for lessons learned, happiness stumbled upon, and even for those bumps in the road along the way. At this time five years ago, I was most likely either locked in my room crying over some high school boy, obsessing over drama, or sneaking out of my window in the middle of the night to do something stupid. Yep, sounds about right. My, how things have changed. Praise God for growth, maturity, and seeing things completely differently. Ha.

Like I said in a previous post, I feel as though there is a different overlying theme of things that God is teaching me every semester. As this semester is drawing to an end all too quickly, I am beginning to see what He has been teaching me through the course of the past three months, and even now. As much as I would like to give the generic, "Oh, I'm being taught all about patience", or something like I would usually say when I don't feel like elaborating or being real, I have to be honest and say that the Lord is showing me a lot about the areas of my life that do not reflect that of a follower of Christ. I mean, I know that to an extent, He is always showing us things like that, but in my life especially lately, He has really revealed a lot of things about my motives, my heart, and general outlook that just aren't what they should be. And it sucks. I'd much rather be going through a season of learning easy things and looking at areas of my life that are exactly what they are supposed to be instead of learning that I really suck at being nice to people, that I blatantly disobey God's instructions for my life at times, or that I struggle every single day with fear, jealousy, and bitterness.
It has been so emotional for me to let the Lord start to dig out all the crap in my heart that I have refused to acknowledge for the past couple of years. I like to tell myself that I don't have daily struggles, and that the sinful things that pop up in my life are just slip ups and don't need to be dealt with. However, through the course of this whole semester, God has really begun to tear down those walls that I have built. I have been made to face my struggles right in the eye pretty much weekly for the past three months. While it has been really tough, it has also been so freeing. I think for so long, I have just been trying to either cover up my shortcomings with excuses, or fix the struggles by myself. And that's almost the whole of the problem. On my own, I can fix nothing. Without relying on my loving Father every single day to make me the daughter that He envisioned me to be when He created me, I will always wallow away in sin. Because, let's face it. He is so much bigger than any struggle that is drawing me away from Him. I find that for every piece of crap that God chisels away from my heart, He replaces it with an aspect of His own character. As He chisels away fear, He replaces it with unwavering faith that He is enough. As He chisels away the hurt and bitterness of my past, He replaces it with love and healing that only He can provide. And as He destroys my walls of jealousy, He replaces them with complete contentment in Him. How thankful I am for a loving God who cares enough to chisel away pieces of my heart that are hurting and patch them up with His hands of love.

"Therefore, let us strip away everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us. Let us run with perseverance the race set before us." -Hebrews 12:2

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Homeade pizza, anyone?

Ah, the first week of fall semester. One of my favorite feelings is the excitement of students coming back to Radford. I actually get pretty stoked about starting classes and waking up early every morning. It makes me feel accomplished. I always love meeting all the new people in my non-major classes, and seeing all of my awesome friends again in my major classes.
Hm, so what has the first week of fall semester been? Anything but boring. It's been exciting, busy, unorganized, fun, chill, and most definitely stressful, but it's been good.
So you know me and lists...they are my favorite way to blog. So here goes another one of everything I feel was noteworthy of my first week back :)

1. I embraced the awkwardness of walking into my communications class on Monday and finding that every student in there was in the same sorority and knew each other, while I knew no one. Instead of getting weird about it, I pulled up a seat, got out my Hannah Montana lunchbox, and pulled out my kool aid and fruit snacks.

2. I decided that I will be making my first large purchase in the next 2 years, a black Jeep Commander. This has nothing to do with school, but I just decided it on Tuesday :)

3. I got a new hiking buddy. Yay!

4. I had one of the most fun nights I have ever had with my awesome roomies and neighbors.

5. I got 3 bag fulls of free stuff at club fair. That's what I'm talking about! ha

6. I learned to drive a stick shift! (and did notably well at it)

7. I decided that it's about time I learn about football after 20 years of not understanding it.

8. I couldn't figure out where I parked on Wednesday and looked for my car for a good 45 minutes. Oh yeah, I rode the bus.

9. I felt awesome inside when I sat and thought about how much I love my major, and how passionate I am about it. That makes me feel lucky.

10. I signed up to volunteer for the WIC clinic (Women, Infants, and Children) and I am so stoked about it!

11. I made some killer homeade pizza, only to realize the cheese I put on it was out of date after I cooked it. Oh, well, hello McDonalds. Again.

12. I dropped my phone in a sink full of water, freaked out, and got it out only to realize that it still works like new. This is why I love you, LG Rythym.

13. I went a whole day on campus with no shoes. It wasn't because I didn't want shoes. I forgot them when I walked out my front door. How does this happen exactly?

14. I made a vow not to go to the tanning bed all year. (Which will not be an easy task, but I am going to try my hardest.)

15. I had Canton for the first time since 3 years of being at Radford. And was SO impressed.

16. And also an order of Highlander Rolls at 1 a.m. Pure heaven.

17. I missed Jersey Shore. So not cool.

18. I realized that I need to invest in a bike.

19. I got bitten by a spider and my foot was twice the size it should have been. Yikes!

So, needless to say, the first week of the semester was certainly eventful.
I am looking so forward to the next 12 weeks as well. I know it will fly by even faster than it has in the past 2 years, so I am making a point to enjoy every single second.

Til' next time,


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sweet Summer, I adore your simplicity.

Summertime was at its best this morning. I woke up early to sunshine pouring through my window, and couldn't help but display a toothy grin. I love mornings like that.
I took my hammock down to my favorite spot in Radford, where there is an incredible view of the river and the mountains. As I sat there in my hammock, listening to all the birds chirping, the breeze in the air, and the river trickling, I couldn't help but think about what an incredible Creator we have.
He didn't have to make everything so beautiful, but He chose to. He didn't have to make the birds sing so beautifully, or the sunrises so breathtaking. No one forced Him to make the little forest animals so interesting and entertaining for me to watch as I sat there this morning, or made Him make the sun glisten on the river like He did. But He chose to. He chose to give us a breathtaking, beautiful creation to enjoy, and I am endlessly amazed by this. I never want to take it for's incredible to me that He loves us so much, despite our flaws, that He chooses to give us so many simple things to enjoy each and every day!

Hammocking and reading have been two of my favorite ways to relax lately. I know that when fall semester starts, my schedule is going to get pretty crazy, so I try to cherish every free moment I have now. I'm in the middle of the Harry Potter books, and am completely hooked. Thanks, Brandon!

Next Monday, I leave for vacation with my family. I am so excited about it. I can't wait to spend time with them, and soak up some sunshine on the beach for a week. And then next Sunday, it's back to work for me. Vacation never seems to last long enough!

Good thing I'm going back to a job I really love. When I'm not cashiering at work, my job is to basically stand at the front door and tell people hello as they come in. And as deathly boring as it sounds, (and yes, sometimes it definitely is!) it has actually been opening my eyes a bit. I actually pay attention to the people that come through the door..I notice if they're smiling or frowning, if they looks joyous or saddened, and even if they look as if they want to say hello back to me or not. Regardless, I always give them a smile. As silly as it sounds, I know that for some of them, it may be the only one they get that day. It breaks my heart how many people I see come and go that just look like they are so burdened and without joy. Some won't even look up from the ground to say hello and I feel sad for them. I pray for them as they walk by.

Sounds so silly, but most days, I love my part-time job :)

Even though my schedule is going to be a million times more crammed, I'm looking forward to school starting back. I'm anticipating the new classes, the new pencils and notebooks (weird, but I LOVE new school supplies), new friendships, new activities, and even the new challenges. Each year that I've spent in college has kind of had an overlying theme, and I am excited to see what my junior year holds in store for me! Freshman year was all about finding out who I wanted to be as a person, what path I wanted to take, and what I wanted to define me. Sophomore year taught me a lot about what I wanted to spend my time pursuing, what I was passionate about, the fact that every difficult situation has a purpose, and that whatever I do, I need to do it wholeheartedly. What life defining lessons might I learn this year? :)

I guess that's going to be it for now. It's starting to rain outside, and I'm going to be completely cliche and curl up in my favorite blanket with some hot chocolate and a book.

Until next time...


"Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord, and not for men."
Colossians 3:23

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The times, they are changing

Hello, strangers! It's been an eternity since I updated my blog, so I figured it deserved a nice little update. I can't really sum up the 4 months that I haven't been blogging, but I'll try to give some highlights!

Spring semester flew by! 5 months of classes honestly only seemed like about 2. I swear, it's true what they say about time passing by quicker when you start to get older. about 10 sentences to sum up spring semester?

1. My grades were awesome.
2. No all nighters!
3. Terrible eating habits.
4. I passed one of my most important nutrition certification tests. Oh the irony of #3 and #4.
5. New and wonderful friendships within my major.
6. I started dating the most incredible guy I have ever run across.
7. I got a new job that I LOVE.
8. I went on a book shopping spree and spent a whole paycheck on books alone.
9. I talked myself out of 2 speeding tickets.
10. I grew a lot closer with my family.

That is just a small portion of what happened during spring semester! All in all, it was pretty great.

Summer didn't really begin for me until a couple of weeks ago. I had to start taking anatomy as soon I got out of class from spring. It was the most difficult 5 weeks of my life, by far. This class, unlike spring semester, included tons of all nighters, lots of tears, and plenty of times where I would have loved to have just given up. However, I ended up sticking it out, and made an A in the class. I'm pretty proud of that!

Since my class ended, things have been amazing. I love summer. One of my favorite feelings in the world is waking up in the morning, and realizing all over again that it's summer, and I can do whatever I want with my day. I have been working a couple days a week, but I love my job so I don't really mind going!
I have been relaxing a lot, which is new for me. I always feel like I have to be on the go, doing something, getting something accomplished. But I have been learning this summer that sitting back and relaxing is just as important. I have had some incredible time with the Lord by simply doing this. :) I've been doing a lot of reading too, which is exciting. I'm about to break down and start the Harry Potter series ( years after everyone already jumped on that train..haha but my boyfriend has convinced me that they are incredible) so I am definitely looking forward to that.

I have been getting to spend more time at home this summer, which is definitely great. My family is so incredible, and I miss them so much when I'm away at school. Over the past two and a half years of being in Radford away from them, I have learned to value each one of them so much more, and every minute spent with them is so precious.
I guess the downside of spending time in the town where I grew up is all the negativity that surrounds me with memories of high school. Those years were very far from the best of my life, and when I'm away at college, I don't seem to think of them that much. But it seems as soon as I drive into this town, I'm surrounded by the hurtful memories, the broken friendships, the bad choices, tears, and labels of my high school days. It's nice to know that since then, my life has changed in more ways than I ever thought possible, and that Christ in me has made me into a beautiful girl, redeemed from every choice she made in high school, and washed white as snow :)

Something that has been pretty significant in my life as well lately is my incredible boyfriend. We have been friends for almost a year now, and finally decided to started dating during spring semester. It's the first long distance relationship I have ever been in, and the distance is certainly not easy at all. But I find every single day that it's by far worth it. God has been writing such a beautiful love story for us so far, and I wake up every morning and smile because of what He has in store for us. It is so awesome to be able to seek Christ together, hand in hand, with the same goal, to glorify Him. I have been so incredibly blessed with Brandon, and am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us! He is so wonderful, and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

I was able to spend a week with Brandon and his awesome family in Tennessee this past week at their family reunion. It was so great. Highlights of the week? Just to name a few:
Meeting some really awesome people!
Game night with new friends from Cookeville, and learning the art of "Things"
Goodwilling together (one of our favorite activities. hahaha)
Going to a waterpark called Nashville Shores.
Brandon and I playing with all the sweet sweet children every day :)
Playing on the playground together. (isn't it great to be able to still be kids at 21?)
Playing music together (also one of our favorite activities)
Finally seeing I Love You Man, and laughing until I almost peed myself.
Smiling so much all week long that my face hurt at night when I went to sleep :) Isn't that that greatest feeling?

It was such a fun week, and saying goodbye to Tennessee and all these amazing people was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while. Saying goodbye to Brandon is always heartbreaking, but I know that the Lord is so good to us every single day, and provides ways for us to keep our relationship strong even while we are apart.

I guess that's about all that has been happening so far this summer! During the next 2 months of summer I plan on working a couple days a week, relaxing, reading a lot, spending time with my family and friends, going on vacation with my parents and brother, going to Carolina Point to visit Brandon, having him up to visit me for a week in August, moving into my new apartment, and trying to get in some volunteer hours somewhere for my major! :)
Sounds pretty great to me.

I am also being very prayerful about a decision that I have been wrestling with for the past year. I have been thinking of transferring schools for a while now, and the thought has become quite prominent in my mind lately. Although I have many great memories and friends at Radford, I keep feeling that maybe it's just not where I'm supposed to be. I know that no college is going to be perfect, but over and over again throughout this past year, I have just been faced with the reality that maybe Radford just isn't the place for me. I have been considering a few different possibilities that stretch all the way from other schools in Virginia, to schools in Georgia and Tennessee. I am quite possibly the worst decision maker ever, so I am just trying to put everything in God's hands and trust that His plan is SO much better for me than my own could ever be! I am going to keep praying over this decision throughout fall semester, and see where it brings me!

I guess that is going to have to bring this lovely update to an end! I will try to get better about updates, and blogging in general for that matter :) hehe

I am a lucky girl.
I love my life.
Every minute of it.

Until next time...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh just something fun until I feel like writing a real update

Hi, my name is: Lauren

Never in my life have I been: on an airplane or out of the country! (I hope to change that soon!)

The one person who can drive me nuts is: Ben Stiller. I don't like him very much.

High school: was something I wish I could go back and change a lot of things about.

When I’m nervous: I bite my lip

The last song I listened to was: Find It In Me-William Fitzsimmons

If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: my best friend since 7th grade, Katie

My hair is: too short! I wish it would grow :)

When I was 5: My favorite thing to do was go fishing with my daddy.

Last Christmas: it didn't snow. boo

I should be: doing something more productive than this!

When I look down I see: a shirt that I got when I was 10. haha funny how it still fits. and kind of sad.

The happiest recent event was: getting an A in anatomy

If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I’d be: Rachel.

By this time next year: I'm sure my life will look completely different!

My current gripe is: That the grocery store is always sold out of pumpkin pie mix

I have a hard time understanding: why American television can spend hundreds of dollars on shows where you eat until you're sick (ahem, Man vs. Food) when there are starving children on the streets.

There’s this girl I know that: is awesome and her name is Miley. hahaha

I like you when: you're humble.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: my mommy

Take my advice: Guard your heart, for it is a precious jewel.

The thing I want to buy: an SUV. Kiki is a little small for big crowds. haha

If you visited the place I was born: You would probably wonder how I grew up in such a small town without going insane.

If you spent the night at my house: You would be watching Disney movies.

I’d stop my wedding if: I wasn't 100% sure.

The world could do without: sarcasm

I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: have to go deeper than my knees in the ocean

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: a CUTE dress.

Most recent thing someone else bought me: shoes

My middle name is: Nicole

In the morning I: am grouchy

The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: hippos.

Once, at a bar: someone probably made a bad decision.

Last night I was: driving back to Radford

There’s this guy I know who: is the best brother in the world.

If I was an animal I’d be: koala

A better name for me would be: I'm pretty content with Lauren.

Tomorrow I am: hanging out with Brenna and Erin, washing my car, working out, yoga, and relaxing.

Tonight I am: watching a movie and sleeping

My birthday is: coming up soon!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Day.

So my Bible Study group is going through this amazing book called Chase the Goose. Summed up, it's basically reclaiming the spiritual adventure, and breaking out of cages that we sometimes get trapped in. These include cages of responsibility, routine, assumptions, guilt, failure, and fear. The study has been incredible, convicting, and full of wisdom so far.

This week's topic is the cage of routine. As I was reading through the first couple pages this morning, and thinking about all the routine I get caught up in sometimes, this one paragraph just smacked me in the face with a reality check. It is referring to taking things one day at a time in a relationship with Christ.

"One Day."

"These words epitomize what a relationship with Christ is all about. When you are in a relationship with Jesus, all bets are off. You never know what you're going to do, where you're going to go, or who you're going to meet. You never know when or where or how God is going to invade the reality of your life and turn it upside down in a single moment. He can show up any place, any time, and turn your life into a Wild Goose chase. That fills me with holy anticipation. It changes the way I live my life because I can't wait to see what God is going to do next."

What an amazing reality that all the useless time we spend worrying about what is going to happen a year, 5 years, 10 years down the doesn't have to even enter our minds. The world constantly screams to us that we need to have it all figured out. That we need to know exactly what we're going to do, where we're going to go after college, who we're going to fall in love with, etc etc etc.

I will be the first to admit that I am the worst about worrying about the future. It's a horrible habit that I certainly need to be prayerful about breaking. Focusing on one day at a time is hard. I find it almost impossible to not think about how the decisions I am making now, the steps of blind faith that I am taking right now, are going to effect my life years down the road. I'm always scared that if I take one step of blind faith in the wrong direction, I'm going to ruin everything about my future. But in reality, that's not the case.

A couple weeks ago, someone told me something that had a really huge impact on the way I think about things.

"It's not always about having a clear answer or a definite sign. Sometimes you just have to take a step of faith knowing that if it's not the step God intended for you to take, He will pick you back up, turn you around, and still have His amazing plan waiting for you."

Even though this is such a simple truth, I guess I had never really thought about it that way before. As long as we are earnestly seeking God in the steps we take, it's not always about knowing exactly which direction we're supposed to go in. It's about taking a step of faith somewhere at least, and knowing that even in our uncertainty, His plan for us is still so GOOD.

I feel like there is so much freedom in knowing that. It comforts me to know that even when I am so uncertain of the next step to take in my life, God is always looking out for me, and will be glorified in my life as long as I am seeking His will.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do this. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
Psalm 37: 4-5;7

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We've got lots of catching up to do!

Whoever decided to spell February with an "R" after the "B" must have been slightly confused.

Now that that's out in the open----

Spring semester is FLYING by. I can't believe we've already been back in classes for almost a whole month! My classes are going great (well...aside from Chemistry, but it's Chemistry. What do you expect from a girl who doesn't even slightly understand osmosis?)

Here are some completely random highlights of the semester so far. No particular order, no particular significance. Just an update =)

1. My time management is slowly getting better. I still haven't mastered the art of staying off Facebook for extended periods of time when there is homework to be done, but I am beginning to prioritize a little better!

2. Okay, so this huge snowstorm last weekend.
  • I woke up last Saturday morning to a beautiful blanket of white snow outside my window. My first thoughts? "SLEDDING!" My best friends from about a mile down the road at Hunters Ridge called and asked me to come play in the snow. Awesome day ahead for sure. I proceed to ask if someone can come pick me up, seeing as how my car is buried in a foot of snow, and the closest thing I have to being able to knock it all off is a swiffer mop. Nope. No one can come pick me up because the roads are so bad. Okay so on to plan B. I will WALK there. It's not that far right? It takes me about 20 minutes to get all of the layers of clothes on so I won't freeze to death. I pack my backpack with some water, my Zune, and my wallet. I'm so ready to go. I step outside my front door, only to realize that not one single road has been scraped yet, and there is still slightly above a foot of snow on every piece of the ground in sight. My next thoughts? "Psh. Child's play. I'm treking through it." I start down the road in a foot of snow, wind in my face, and snow still falling. That was my first mistake. I get nearly a half mile down the road after about 20 minutes, look at all the distance I still have to go, and turn around. That was my second mistake. I called my friends to tell them that I would not be able to come the rest of the way because I felt like someone was sucking air out of my lungs with a giant vaccuum cleaner. And we all know that's no pleasant feeling at all. They proceed to take every action possible to get me there. As it turns out, lovely Rachel Haas and her boyfriend were already in town driving and could come to pick me up. They finally get to where I am and pull over to pick me up. They take me to Hunter's Ridge where all of my friends are waiting. I walk in, collapse on the floor, and begin to tell the story of my trecherous journey. (well..half journey) After eruptions of laughter, and witty comments from John, Stephen looks at me and says, "I could have picked you up! No one asked me!"

I love my friends so much =) hahaha

  • This snow/ice also presented obstacles for those included in the clumsy population. Yes, this would include me. As I walked out of a building on campus on Tuesday morning, I decided I needed to hurry to get to my car, as I couldn't wait to get home and eat my daily Pepperoni Pizza lunchable. The next thing I knew, my feet slipped out from under me and every book I was holding flew into the snow. I proceeded to get up, grin really big, look at the girl next to me who was trying to hold in laughter, and say "It happens."

3. I spilled acid on my hand in Chemistry lab last week. Usually when this happens, I feel like most professors just make sure you're okay and let it be. Nope! My lovely Chemistry professor was convinced it was necessary for me to stand in front of my whole class and tell everyone why it was absolutely necessary to practice lab safety.

4. I have literally been craving pumpkin pancakes from Ihop for about 3 weeks now. I must get them soon. =)

5. You're never going to believe it. I've been waking up on time every single morning! If you know me, you know this is extremely rare.

6. I have been challenged a lot lately with far less than ideal circumstances here and there in my life. But as I sat and talked to the Lord this morning, I thanked Him for those circumstances. I can see myself growing more and more each day, and relentlessly running after Christ. It is definitely my human nature to get mad when my plans don't work out. But this quote has held me together lately:

"Sometimes our plans have to fail in order for God's plans to succeed. Divine detours and delays are often the paths God uses to get us to where He wants us to be."

How true =)

7. I have been seeking God's will for my summer plans with all my heart lately. I know it may seem a little early to start thinking about it, but I can't get it off my mind! =) Last summer was life changing at DFocus, and I hope that this summer holds amazing things in store as well. I am scared of just staying in Radford all summer. I'm scared of not having a huge Christian community around me. I'm scared of not having a plan, you know? If God is calling me to stay here for the summer, it is going to be a challenge. One that I will welcome if it be His will, but nevertheless, a challenge.

8. I have had this random weird reoccuring dream about dinosaurs chasing me through the jungle lately. If anyone has any insight as to what that's all about, I would certainly love to hear your take on it, because I've got nothin'. =)

9. If you haven't heard of it, or tried it out before, it is so worth it. I know it seems silly to get excited about a website for textbooks. BUT. I saved almost 250 dollars by renting my books from Chegg! I also sold some of my books from last year to them, and got twice as much money as I would have by selling them back to the university bookstore. It's worth checking out!

10. I was watching a Nooma video from Rob Bell last night, and wrote down this quote from it. It opened up my eyes a little to the horrible habit I have of going to other people to talk about my difficult situations before going to God. Just an interesting little thought :)

"Maybe the healing and guidance we need desperately isn't going to come from one more meeting or therapy session or sermon or self help book, but from simply listening for the voice of God. Have you spent the same amount of time worrying and talking about your difficult, confusing situations as you have spent in silence, listening to what God might have to say?"

Hopefully this update was sufficient. =)

Until next time---


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh hey, spring semester!

Ah, what a wonderful winter break it has been.
Time with my family has been outstanding, especially time with my brother. Christmas was just delightful. I ate way too much food, got lots of awesome presents, and played in the snow until my body felt like an icicle.
Spending a week in Tennessee over New Years was awesome. Virginia and Tennessee are in tight competition for my heart.
When I got back from my trip, I had to have my wisdom teeth cut out, which was quite an interesting experience. I was more or less scared out of my mind to be put to sleep. (The movie "Awake" has had me terrified of sedation ever since I saw it.) The surgery went well altogether, aside from the surgeon hitting a nerve on the right side of my mouth. I'm still suffering from that, but it gets a little better every day.
The Lord has been teaching me so much over break. I have just been so in awe of His goodness and faithfulness to me. Watching Him heal my broken heart has been amazing, and quite honestly life changing. He's taught me that with His hand in mine, I am a much stronger woman than I give myself credit for. I guess the most substantial thing I have learned is that adversity can be a good thing. This is a time where we can draw so near to the Father, and let him be every bit of our strength. I experienced that in its truest form over the past month, and was so comforted by His presence, even on days when I woke up and felt like there was no way I could get through the day.
I'm going to be kind of sad to leave home again to go back to school, but for the most part I'm pretty excited about the semester beginning. My schedule should be a lot better than last semester's. The bad part is that I have to start waking up at 7:30 every morning, because my day starts at 8:00. This is foreign to me. The last time I woke up before 10:00 was freshman year. Definitely going to take some getting used to..and maybe some changes in my bedtime. (No more hitting the hay at 3 a.m.)

It seems so weird to me that 2010 is already here. I remember the beginning of 2009 like it was yesterday! This year should be a good one. I'm stoked. I have a new work study job, and while it's not a ton of hours, at least I'm no longer unemployed. I have a horrible tendency for quitting jobs, so I'm crossing my fingers that I like this one.
I've never really made New Years Resolutions before, but I tried to think of things that I would like to accomplish this year. This is more or less what I came up with. ha
1. Stop oversleeping. The reason this is #1 is because it is going to be the most difficult to do. The snooze button is my best friend.

2. Eat healthier. Mostly just because being a nutrition major has opened my eyes to how important it is to eat right. If I don't change what I eat soon, I could potentially be cutting a couple years off of my life. No bueno.

3. Stop trying to be a people pleaser. This has always been one of my downfalls. I want to make everyone else happy so much that often I end up pushing aside my own happiness. While I'm glad that the Lord has given me the ability to care about others, I think I miss out on a lot of the things I want to do because I'm afraid I will upset someone else. This year, I'm trying to let go of that.

4. Forming better study habits. I didn't realize how important this was until I got to the end of fall semester and didn't remember anything at all that I learned from my classes. This was most likely because I cram before every single test, and never really take in any of the material. I'm probably not going to be a very good dietitian if I don't start retaining some information.

5. Be more consistent about my quiet times. All in all, I'm good about spending time with the Lord daily, but I want to get on more of a consistent schedule about it. My weakest days last semester were those where I just rushed through a prayer or two on the way to class, and didn't give the Lord much thought through the rest of my busy day.

6. Stop wasting money. I am the WORST about this. If I see that I have a large amount of money in my bank account, I instantly start thinking of things I can spend it on. My mom told me once that if I had to sit down and think of things that I could spend my money on, clearly I didn't need to be spending it. I think she was right.

7. Be more organized. This is probably a universal New Years Resolution, but if any one human being needs to be more organized, it is this one. I lose more homework assignments than anyone I know, and generally lose more of anything than anyone I know. Ha. That HAS to change this year. I am 20 years old. This is no longer an acceptable way of life.

8. Stop second guessing myself. I am the worst about always wondering if I'm making the right decision or not. Right now, I'm battling that mindset regarding my major. I love nutrition, but I'm just wondering if there is something out there that I would like to pursue more. That's typical of me for just about every big decision I make. I'm a horrible what-ifer. I hope to put an end to that this year, and start to trust the Lord with every decision I make.

That's a solid bit of motivation for 2010 I suppose.

Til next time..